Samuel Stern School

          PS/MS 7


For the Graduation Stars Projects at PS/MS 7,  DAA volunteers painted the kids names/hopes and aspirations on the yellow stars which were part of the cafeteria wall mural we had painted.  The stars are then taped to the mural. Upon graduating, the children take their stars off the mural and take them home as an inspiring memento.   Artist volunteer Mike Jodry painted the school’s mascot, a hawk, with artist volunteers, Eileen Cassidy, Jackie Adams, Tiffany Adams and Didi D’Errico.  Joining us on our 2014 project is artist Arielle Jessop.

Arielle drawing with the kids

The class of 2014 with DAA artist volunteers

Principal Talati, Arielle, Jackie, Tiffany & Didi

with the kids. Class of 2014

Didi working on a Star 2014

Jackie monitoring the kid’s Stars 2014

Class of 2013 with DAA artist volunteers

Jackie, photo below with a “Child Star”.

Class of 2013, Principal Talati, Didi & kids

DAA volunteer artists blend in with the 2012 graduating class

with their names on the stars in the 20 foot mural we painted in the cafeteria

Didi working with the kids on their

“Name Star” for the wall mural - 2012